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Travelling in the Pandemic Times

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Travelling in the Pandemic Times

Situations are becoming relatively normal as the mass administration of Covid19 vaccines carried out by different countries

Travel with care

It's been more than a year and we are still fighting the pandemic. But the year 2021 has been marked as a year of hope in the sense that we are making progress in containing the virus spread. Situations are becoming relatively normal as the mass administration of Covid19 vaccines carried out by different countries. International travel is partially open and domestic tourism is also getting back to normal. In light of these positive developments there is much hope for domestic and international travellers. Let's check some points that a traveller should take into consideration in order to ensure safe travel. - Flexible travel schedule and plans - Productive use of Technology - Getting a clear picture about destinations - Always take necessary health precautions Flexible travel schedule and plans: Try to bring more flexibility to your travel plans. The pandemic is not over yet and the travellers are always at risk just by leaving their safe homes. It’s better to avoid international travel and start exploring domestic tourist destinations. When something bad happens to your plans it's better to have a backup plan, as continuous improvement and flexibility is the prime thing this situation demands. Productive use of Technology: Technology has and always been a good friend of travellers, especially in these difficult times. Various countries have introduced their own apps or digital channels for sharing important information and lockdown restrictions. Tourism related businesses are extensively using their own apps for hassle- free travel and check-ins. Which turns out to be the most desirable factors among travellers. So while you are planning a trip, familiarise yourself with these apps, both govt issues and pvt booking apps to get a full idea of the specific things. Getting a clear picture about destinations: It is very important to collect all possible information regarding the place you are visiting, the place you are going to stay, nearby medical medical aids and good places to eat. The local regulations are always improvised based on the current pandemic situations. As always, productive use of technology can save you in these situations. Indian govt. Apps like ArogyaSethu have proven highly effective for domestic Indian travellers. Always take necessary health precautions: Murf's law can be a mantra for travellers, “Whatever can happen, Will happens”. As we are outside the safe shell of our homes there is always a chance of virus infections. It is really important to carry necessary safety items like Gloves, Masks, Sanitisers and other portable medical devices. If you think you are infected, cancel all your plans and get medical treatments, otherwise it will jeopardise your fellow travellers plans also. Yup!! Being responsible is also part of the new normal. Hotels and tourist destinations are introducing new safety protocols for attracting tourists. As more and more tourist destinations are opening in domestic and international capacity, we can say that Safe and Hygiene travel is possible. As the customers are demanding the same, it is also reciprocated from the industry. Technology is helping the sector to be ahead of the curve.